Sunday, April 13, 2008




Ok, so here it is.


that would be the day after the best theater day i've had in my entire life. not to mention i got to spend it with a best friend (broadway bob) and the love of my life (the lovely jessica)

we get to the city and get our tickets.

and then the magic happened.

i got tickets for row m in chorus line.

Let me just say that A Chorus Line IS Broadway. Actually, it is everything about broadway and more. Jessica Lee Goldyn is going to be a star.. she just HAS IT if you know what i mean. Absolutely fabulous as Val and what surprised me the most is that her singing voice has improved SOOOO much since the opening of this show.. she can belt with the best of Broadway and be right up there with the top. Charlotte D'Amboise, i had heard from people that she wasn't the best Cassie.. i would like to disagree with this. she was INCREDIBLE. Her Music and the Mirror was so impressive. Michael Berresse was a little hoarse. i credit this to one of two things.. first of all the weather changes.. *it was 70 in nyc yesterday.. however they got a little bit of a flurry today*.. crazy. secondly, it might have been him pushing it because it was his last weekend in the show. Deidre Goodwin was also soo much more nuanced in her role as Sheila than i have EVER seen her. the rest of the cast was equally impressive.. overall by the last note of what i did for love i was a sobbing mess which continued until the end of the show.

Afterwards, i had the pleasure of meeting Jessica at the stage door. what an amazingly sweet person. She was so gracious and remembered me from Myspace!! Such an amazing moment. Best stage door experience I have EVER had. *see my myspace for photographical evidence*

My evening show was Legally Blonde

For those who know me.. they know that I absolutely love this show. We had tickets for FRONT ROW CENTER! Amazing seats.
Laura Bell Bundy was a little under the weather *i believe* I luckily got to meet her briefly outside the theater earlier in the day before their matinee. *same with Christian Borle*

The show was incredible as I had imagined.. i just wish I hadn't been as tired as I was by that time in the day.. so tired in fact that the show seems almost like a blur now. Laura Bell still amazed me considering that she wasn't feeling well and she was still able to throw out that belt at the end of So Much Better. Orfeh has grown so much in her role since the MTV taping.
Then there's Kate Shindle. HOW DO YOU DO IT KATE!? LB Remix.. honestly are you sure there isn't some robot inside singing for you? Best freakin SHOOOOEES! my god. SERIOUSLY! nuts. This woman can do no wrong in my eyes. I want her to have a leading role where i can hear that glorious voice over and over again. Michael Rupert is a genius onstage. Enough said.

Got to meet Orfeh and Kate outside.. told Kate that I post on her blog.. I hope she gets a chance to read mine! :) that would be awesome to hear from her.

All in all an UNBELIEVEABLE day ..

which brings me to my next topic of discussion.

While I was watching A Chorus Line . some of my tears were directed towards the fact that I have reached a point where I am disgusted with my physical appearance. Watching these bodies onstage which seem so foreign to me. And i don't want them to be foreign anymore. I want to feel like someone who isn't afraid to be out in public without worrying about my body and my back hurting.. and my feet hurting. I'm done with all of it. I can't believe i've let myself go from a size 28 to a size 40 in 5 years. Small/Medium shirts to XXL shirts in 5 years. It's all over starting now. I have a life i want to lead and I'll be damned if i let myself continue to die inside because i can't accomplish what i want solely based on how I look/appear to others.

this show will continue to be my motivation. Watching the opening number up until the Finale. This is my dream. This is what I want. I want to feel those stage lights. i want to grow and have at least one more shot at that dream. Who konws how it will end up .. but I want to give myself the opportunity to get there.. through voice lessons.. dance lessons.. you name it. i'm willing to do anything.

I hate the game. but if you don't play it you end up with nothing. which is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE.


Broadway Bob* said...

Very inspiring and a wonderful rememory of an amazing day! Now, let's both get to work!

a 5, 6, 7, 8...

Jessica said...

That day truly does sound amazing!

And hey--just wanted to say that your dream is beautiful and amazing and so worth setting as a goal...My dear friend John says, "Miracles happen, so why not to you?" And this is the absolute truth.

So, let's keep dreaming and getting a little closer, day by day, to those dreams...